Monday 12 October 2015

Research - Automatic Drawing Exercises

Automatic Drawing
Automatic drawing is a highly expressive form of image making first proposed, developed and promoted by the Surrealists – Andre Breton, one of the movements founders, described surrealism as ‘Pure psychic automatism’. Essentially, automatic drawing is the ‘thoughtless’ creation of random mark making and subsequent reflection on what has been drawn; in this sense automatic drawing can be a powerful tool for art therapists. People who are being treated and diagnosed using art therapy – this could be children coping with issues around abuse, imprisoned criminals, the elderly, people undergoing detox and withdrawal from drugs and alcohol, or people in numerous other difficult situations – may be asked to produce drawings without thinking about what they’re are creating. The results can be used as a form of diagnosis to reveal subconscious or suppressed emotions and thoughts. Automatic drawing has also been associated with ‘mediumistic automatism’, in which people claim to be drawing or writing on behalf of spirits and ghosts.

I thought i would try out the automatic drawing exercise as I was having a few problems getting motivated and inspired. I was hoping it would free my mind and get the creative juices flowing, and by creating random marks on the paper, i may see other images within the marks them self. 

This exercise was drawing without actually looking at the paper, and keeping the pen on the paper at all times. I then began darkening certain lines and it began to give the appearance of a face.

For this image i randomly shaded the paper with a pencil, then again randomly began erasing shapes and lines from the pencil, again for some reason I saw a face, 

This exercise was just creating pattern and shapes, , I'm not sure what it could be,but again I keep seeing a face.

This was another doodle i did, I just drew what was in front of me, i then tried to capture movement from actors on the TV.

These 4 excersises have led me to another point in my research and somthing that I'll look at. "Why do we see faces in everday objects?"

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